Happy December

Here I am still saying hello to December, but in reality we are a full week into (arguably the best) month already. Personally, I’ve been arguing with my husband about when is too early to put up the Christmas tree for weeks and secretly ordering more decorations from Temu late at night. Now that it’s December 7th, it’s undoubtedly time to put up that tree and stop hiding my late-night orders. For Emerald City Editing, things have been chaotically busy, exciting, and pleasantly slow, mysteriously all at the same time. The festive season can mean more work for some professions, and less for others, and for this small business it’s somehow a mix. After some fast-turnaround projects and a book copyediting gig, Thanksgiving arrived and the bulk of our projects departed. As the eternal optimist that I consider myself to be, I’m seeing this slower pace as an opportunity for our business to expand in some new and exciting ways.

One of the ways we recently expanded was by adding copywriting services in addition to proofreading, editing, and ghostwriting. This is a service that we’ve already been providing to a handful of local businesses, so we decided to make it official this month by adding it to the website. Collaborating with and promoting local businesses has always been one of the main drivers of ECE, so it feels like a missing puzzle piece has been found and snapped in to place. If you are a business owner, freelancer, or work in marketing, please consider supporting our small business and using our copywriting services. If you are a friend, consider taking a note from Buddy the Elf and please spread the word about ECE like it was Christmas cheer- loud for all to hear.

I hope you cozy up to your loved ones this season, whether you’re in Seattle or far away, and enjoy this time of year in whatever way makes you happy. See you in 2024!


Is 2024 the year you work with an editor?


Hello from Emerald City Editing Monthly